Meet the Team: Timmir

Hello everyone,

I am Timmir, aka Nathan, and I'm one of the primary programmers here for Project: Artscapade. My primary duties are to get the Thief AI working, get the drone working, along with getting the games primary UI set up and ready to go. Generally speaking I am the one in charge of a lot of the main game mechanics actually working. Some of my progress you can view below. 

I have been a game developer for about 6 years, and have been using Unity for most of that time. Besides that, I am an avid tabletop game junkie, who grew up with a number of different board, card, and roleplaying games throughout my life. Just to list some of the my favorite games off hand,

  • Favorite Video Game: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Favorite Board Game: Betrayal at the House on the Hill
  • Favorite Card Game: Flesh and Blood
  • Favorite RPG: Through the Breach
  • Favorite Miniatures Game: Malifaux

The list of course shifts around a lot depending on my mood, but I feel like it gives a good look at some of my tastes when it comes to games overall. I also enjoy writing during my free time, though I admittedly haven't had a lot of time for that. Hopefully, however, you enjoy this little game that we are creating, and thank you for your time. 

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