Demo coming soon

Hey folks!

I am Timmir, also known as Nathan, and I am one of the primary programmers here on Project: Artscapade.

I do apologize about how quiet and barren this place have been recently. Things have been busy with us for the past month or so, and while I had intended to get an update sooner then this, stuff kept running away from us. Still I'm happy to announce that later today, our first demo will be made available for the game. 

Now the demo will be a rather early alpha build of the game. Just the basic building blocks without a lot of the other mechanics we plan to add into the game. Still we hope that it gives a good solid demonstration on what we want our game to be. And please don't hesitate to give us your feed back for how it feels. Just don't be surprised if it's still a little buggy, with you manually needing to exit out for the time being, and probably has other issues that we still need to thoroughly test and patch out as we push into our next build of the game.

Still, thank you for your patience. See you all in the release within the next 24 hours or so. 

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